Steam Grunt - Colored *updated*

Colors are done!

So, what's next?

*Ok, so i wasn't 100% done... I added in some reflected highlights and adjusted the shadow on the ground. It now has a gradation and blurs as it travels back in space.

Generic Steam-Pirate

Quick pirate'ish drawing... He's just a generic dude. No real story or thought behind this.

I'm still working on the colors for the last guy.

Steam Grunt - Line Art

Here is the cleanup... I just went over my ruff with a blue pencil (made a few minor tweaks as i drew over the ruff.) Then after i scanned that art into Photoshop, I used the channels to selected the blue pencil only. After that I added some level adjustments.

The colors are in the works now... but i think it's about time for bed.

Oh, an it looks like today is the last day of the month!! You ready with a new theme Jim? Anyone else going to post some more pirates before the 1st of June??

Steam Grunt

Another Steam-Pirate...

I'm starting to get a few more "Steam" elements in these.

This drawing was really tough to get started. I just could not seem to find a body type that i liked. I thought I had a clear idea of his proportions when i started this, but i must have drawn and erased the ruff about a dozen times. Even once I got the basic body type established I had a hard time making up my mind on the details. (big hands or little hands, broad shoulders or narrow shoulders, skinny legs or fat legs, hands up or hands down... everything was like that !!!)

Anyway, now i just have to clean it up.


Close up of the Lady Steam Pirate... guess she needs a name..

Anyway this was a quick, fun drawing. I decided to forgo coloring the whole thing and just laid down some simple tones for the cloths and gave it a gradient overlay. Then i added in a 30% shadow overlay on top of that. Full color is just too involved!

Some rough facial expressions

Going for a more cartoony squashy-stretchy feel. Probably not even close to being on model, I didn't even reference my original- it was late.

Lady Steam-Pirate

Ok, here is something i started last night. This character is the weapons expert of the Steam-Pirate crew. She handles artillery and demolitions...

The item in her right hand is some type of pressurized explosive (chemical based.) The rifle is a steam powered variation on a flint lock rifle. The butt of the gun is actually a pressurized canister that can either be replaced or recharged after it has been exhausted.

The image posted shows the progression from sketch to color ruff. I still have to clean up the final colors and shadows... but it's almost there. I did spend a lot of time trying to come up with a workable color pallet. I think I'm satisfied with it for now.

Time to rest my eye balls for a while!

RSS Feed

In case anyone is interested... i found out the actual address for the feed to this blog.

google doesn't exactly make it easy to find the rss address, so i thought I would share it in case anyone wanted to subscribe to it.
I like doing this because i can a log off all the posts right in my e-mail and i don't have to keep checking the blog.


In this one, I tried to add more of a Victorian influence to it. I could probably add more to it. As far as steampunk flair, I put in the goggles but not much else. I think if I thought more about the environment that she lives in I would be able to give her more steampunk elements.
Just like her "gunner" crew man she needs more "well thought out" development.

Old Man Cannon

To be honest, he was designed just as a steam punk pirate without really thinking about his personality and what type of character he was.
I guess now ,after looking at him, I could make some stuff up about his character based on his looks but it is a fail on my part to try a draw a character without knowing who the character is that I was trying to draw.

Fun Bonus Game: Count how many annoying times I used the word "character".

Carmen ;)

This is Carmen, the Captain's daughter, who is the mechanic/inventor aboard the ship. She drives her dad nuts by taking his old stuff for use in her new creations. She likes dresses A LOT, preferably other people's dresses ;)